We The Power | Patagonia Films
35 minutes // Patagonia Films // 2021
35 minutes // Patagonia Films // 2021
Imagine upending the traditional energy system and giving the power back to your neighbors.
A 35 minute movie about the citizen-led community-energy movement in Europe and the visionaries lighting the way. Imagine upending the traditional energy system and giving the power of clean electricity production back to your neighbors.
We the Power follows friends, families and visionaries, as they break down legislative barriers, take power back from big energy companies, put it in the hands of locals, and share the benefits to strengthen their towns. The film chronicles four local cooperatives from deep in the Black Forest, to the streets of ancient Girona, to the urban rooftops of London, as they pave the way for a clean energy revolution and build healthier, financially-strong communities.

David Garret Byars
Joost Engelberts
& Joppe Jacob Rog (UK)
Nicholas Weissman
Carlos Carneiro
Bas Zwartepoorte
Roos van de Weerd
Bas Zwartepoorte
& Keenan Newman
Joseph Dunn (UK)
Dennis Kersten
& Antoin Cox
Lyman Smith
Katyann Gonzales
Alex Weller
Monika McLure
Alex Lowther
Else-Marie Rombouts
Jelle Mul
Mihela Hladin Wolfe
Hervé Dupied
Tom Dowdall
Beth Thoren
Vacationland & Atlas Collective